Castle Review: “The Way of the Ninja”

by Erin Steinberg 654 views0

CASTLE - "The Way of the Ninja" - When a Japanese ballet dancer is mysteriously murdered, Castle and Beckett's investigation into her secret life uncovers evidence that she was killed by a ninja, and now that ninja is coming after them, on "Castle," MONDAY, MARCH 17 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Nicole Wilder)NATHAN FILLIONHoly Ninja Batman! Even though Kate was afraid her relationship with Castle could get boring once they were married, “The Way of the Ninja” was definitely not boring. I’ll admit at a certain point I really had no idea what the heck was going on but all the ninja action kept me quite intrigued.

I’m always game for Castle’s crazy theories and this episode provided us with yet another classic from Castle. I loved how adamant Castle was that the killer was a ninja and even I was starting to believe his crazy theory. I was happy I didn’t decide to make a drinking game out of this episode because if I had to take a shot every time somebody said ninja I would have gotten plastered.

I could go on and on about the ninja action but I’d rather talk about all the other Castle goodies this episode offered. First of all, Kate in the opening scene was hilarious. She was supposed to get together with an old friend named Carly and Kate said something I never thought would ever come out of her mouth.

Kate: “Last thing I need is to watch someone from my past trying to seduce my fiancée while talking about the goddess that lives in her hoo-ha.”

Hoo-ha! Kate Beckett, why I never! Stana was awesome tonight. In fact, she’s always awesome. She was definitely on fire with her great lines and facial expressions. I rarely comment on this, but how amazing did Stana look? I love when Stana’s hair is down, but she looked absolutely amazing with her hair up in that ponytail and I loved that blazer she was wearing towards the end of the episode and those leather pants! Hot damn!

Other than the hoo-ha moment, Kate and Espo eating cronuts was awesome and it made me really want one. I just love scenes where characters are eating. To me it makes them even more human. It drives me nuts on shows when we never see characters eat. I can never accuse Castle of doing that.

How great was the Japanese Hostess Club scene? Kevin doing karaoke was hilarious and I loved how uncomfortable he was when they first got there and made sure to tell the ladies that he was married. He even pointed to his wedding ring. Things got quite interesting when one of the ladies took Castle back to a private room to give him information about Jade. Unfortunately Castle was busy and ignored his reminder to call Beckett. It wasn’t for nothing, but the evening did cost him $6,000!

I nearly laughed myself off my bed when Castle tried to expense the $6,000 bill and Gates crumpled the bill right in front of his face.  Did Castle really think Gates would allow him to expense that?

After getting the death stare from Gates, Castle was treated to a pissed off Kate. Kate was mad at Castle because he didn’t call her when he was supposed to. He was too busy having his little private session. Obviously Kate’s frustration wasn’t all about Castle not calling. Beckett was expecting her friend Carly to have these amazing stories but instead she was boring. Carly said she was bored in her marriage. She was complaining there was no romance in her marriage. Kate was afraid marriage would change them. Kate didn’t want to get bored with Castle, and she didn’t want Castle to get bored with her. Castle was so adorable telling her they could put it in their vows. “Even though we’re married it doesn’t mean there’s no more romance and we will never ever be boring.”

Kate: “We’re not gonna become one of those couples that go to the same two restaurants and only have sex on national holidays.”

I love how they’re having such realistic conversations with each other. What a difference a season makes. Last year, Beckett had no idea where their relationship was going and they hardly ever spoke about the future. Now that they’re engaged they communicate and voice their concerns. Castle and Beckett are just too adorable together and we are so lucky to get the cutest Caskett kisses. Moonlight curse be dammed! This show has gotten a million times better since Castle and Beckett have gotten together. Just because a couple gets together doesn’t mean everything is all puppies and rainbows. They now get to face adversity together and work through their problems the way real couples do.

So, back to the ninja goodness. It turned out Jade, our victim was hunting down the Green Dragon that killed her family. Ah, your classic revenge story but unfortunately things didn’t end well for Jade. The woman who was impersonating the consulate officer earlier in the episode was actually Jade’s sister, a police officer herself. Both Jade and her sister survived the attack that killed their parents.

From the moment we met Jade’s boyfriend Dean’s father I knew something wasn’t right with him and I was right. Randall Bedford was the Green Dragon.

I have to say, it was quite the episode. Intriguing case and great character moments. This show has so many layers, it’s what makes it so great. That’s what I love about this show. It’s never one thing. You can have an intense moment followed up by a funny one and then a sad one. There’s not too many shows I can go from laughing to crying. Castle is definitely one of a kind.

Soundbites from “The Way of the Ninja”

Castle: “The Great throwdini.”

Castle: “Our killer is a ninja.”

“No I’m not a ninja. I’m Korean not Japanese, way to racial profile.”

Kate: “Our course we can’t let facts get in the way of a good story.”

Castle: “And you’re afraid we’re going to become boring?”

What did you guys think of this week’s episode? Sound off below! After seeing the promo for next week’s episode I am definitely super excited! Salli Richardson-Whitfield, my favorite from Eureka is guest starring as Gates’ sister! It should be a good one, like always!