Looking 1.04 Sneak Peek: Kevin and Patrick Bond Over Relationships
by February 8, 2014 4:33 pm 722 views0

Though Kevin was ultimately yanking his chain, the uncertainty that Patrick’s would-be boss implanted in the level developer’s mind was a good thing, as it motivated Patrick to begin making changes that would have positive implications for his career. Being heavily entrenched in the game industry is something that he always wanted and now that he is, Patrick’s let outside distractions keep him from becoming all that he can be and fulfilling his potential as a developer, so with that bit of refocusing and a new team formed around him, it looks as if things in his life are on the up and up.
On the next episode of Looking, Kevin and Patrick bond while observing the Folsom Street Fair, an annual event that puts a cap on San Francisco’s Leather Pride Week. While having some type of personal connection and chemistry should prove beneficial to their work environment, Patrick no longer anxious about the type of impression he left on Kevin at the video game launch, their rapport wavers between friendly boss-employee relations and something more, made all the more complicated by the lingering presence of Kevin’s boyfriend. There would be a certain ethical uneasiness were the two to become involved in a way that went beyond their professional relationship, but for Patrick, who is looking to grow away from the problematic behaviors of his past, it would be somewhat self-defeating, as his focus on the professional side of his life would be blurred by his ego and the ingrained mindset of physical pleasure above all.
Elsewhere on Looking, Dom asks Lynn out for lunch with the intention of talking business, while Agustin considers hiring CJ for an art project.
Looking airs Sundays at 10:30 on HBO.
What type of art project do you think Agustin will include CJ in? Will Dom find the business partner he’s looking for in Lynn? How far will things go between Kevin and Patrick once the two find some common ground?