Author: Shilo Adams

Shilo Adams

Shilo Adams is a contributor to TVHackr whose work has appeared on the likes of TVOvermind, KSiteTV, and ScreenFad. You can e-mail him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter @shilo_adams.

Awards / by Shilo Adams -

2014 Saturn Award Winners Announced

The 2014 Saturn Awards were handed out Thursday night and on the television side, The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad emerged as the big winners, taking home three trophies apiece….

CBS / by Shilo Adams -

CBS Announces Fall 2014 Premiere Dates

CBS has become the second broadcast network to unveil their fall 2014 premiere dates, which begin Thursday, September 11th with the first Thursday Night Football game of the season. Scripted…

Turn / by Shilo Adams -

Turn Renewed for Season 2 by AMC

AMC has announced that Revolutionary War drama Turn has been renewed for a second season, with repeats of the first season to air this summer following Hell on Wheels. “Craig Silverstein,…