Syfy to Debut First ‘Sharknado’ Week

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la-et-st-sharknado-2-tackles-climate-change-on-001Leading up to the premiere of Syfy’s Sharknado 2: The Second One, the network will be programming its first ever “Sharknado” Week.

The aptly dubbed “Sharknado” Week begins July 26th and runs through August 2nd, with Sharknado 2 airing on Wednesday, July 30th, Variety is reporting.

Shark-related programming during the week will include Mega Shark vs. Mecha Shark, Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda, and Sharkmania: The Top 15 Biggest Baddest Bloodiest Bites.

Last summer Sharknado became a Twiter sensation, prompting roughly 5,000 tweets per minutes at points.  The film’s sequel will unleash a Sharkado on New York City and its most loved iconic sites.  Ian Ziering and Tara Reid will return to starring roles.

The film also stars Mark McGrath, Kari Wuhrer, Vivica A. Fox, and Judah Friedlander, with cameo appearances by Kelly Osbourne, Judd Hirsch, Matt Lauer, Al Roker, Andy Dick, and Perez Hilton.  

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