Homeland / by - November 11, 2012 11:00 pm
Homeland Review: The Clearing
So much happened on Homeland but none of it really moved the story forward, it just pounded home the reality all of our characters are now stuck in. They are in so…
Homeland / by Carissa Pavlica - November 11, 2012 11:00 pm
So much happened on Homeland but none of it really moved the story forward, it just pounded home the reality all of our characters are now stuck in. They are in so…
Homeland / by Carissa Pavlica - November 3, 2012 2:02 am
What the hell just happened? As I watched, it wasn’t surprising to me that “A Gettysburg Address” wouldn’t hold the same weight at “Q&A.” How could it? That was simply…
Homeland / by Carissa Pavlica - October 31, 2012 7:12 am
On the latest episode of Homeland, “Q&A,” Brody found himself in very familiar circumstances, being questioned and turned from the inside out. But the person who turned him, who delivered…