Lost Girl Renewed for Season 4 by Syfy

by Shilo Adams 728 views0

lost girl

lost girlSyfy has announced a fourth season renewal for Canadian import Lost Girl, currently six episodes into its third season. The show is averaging 676,000 Adults 18-49, 721,000 Adults 25-54 and 1.3 million total viewers and is the #1 original cable drama among Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54 in its time period. Season four is set to include another 13 episodes and will premiere in 2014, likely in the same January time period that season three premiered.

This season on Lost Girl, Bo has been navigating the increasingly dangerous fae world, in addition to trying to remain mon0gamous to Lauren and keep Kenzi protected. On the next episode, airing Monday, Bo travels through her past to better understand herself and Kenzi joins her to keep her safe and sane. With all the darkness going on within Bo, she needs that anchor in order to remain true to herself and keep her feet firmly planted on the side of good. She’s no angel, but Bo wants to do well, to help people, and to make a difference in the world through her service to others. Her political neutrality and strong support system are her key assets in being a private investigator and important figure in the fae world, so she can’t let the darkness take over and ruin her chance to make good in the world and repent for her past actions.

Lost Girl is one of several imports that have flourished at Syfy, with Merlin lasting for five seasons and Continuum currently seeing success Mondays at 8:00. The network will be premiering British series Sinbad beginning in April, as well as airing Primeval: New World later this year.

Lost Girl stars Anna Silk (Being Erica, Breakfast with Scot), Kris Holden-Ried (The TudorsUnderworld 4), Ksenia Solo (Life UnexpectedBlack Swan), Zoie Palmer (The GuardInstant Star), Rick Howland (Billable HoursMurdoch Mysteries), and K.C. Collins (Owning MahownyDoomstown).

Lost Girl airs Mondays at 10:00 on Syfy. You can check out a recap of the most recent episode here.

What do you think about season three thus far? Will Bo be able to defeat the darkness within her? Are you Team Lauren or Team Dyson?

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