Chasing Life 1.09 Sneak Peeks: Greer Meets Brenna’s Family

by Shilo Adams 649 views0

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chasing lifeThough Brenna has slowly began to embrace her feelings for Greer, going as far as telling Kieran about her and joining the ecology club to spend time with her, she’s still not as comfortable with the idea of being official. It’s less to do with Greer being female and more to do with Brenna not having any experience in that area and with people she can bring home to her family. Thus far, Brenna’s dating life is more about upsetting Sara and finding any way that she can to “rebel,” but what happens when she decides to go another way and try to take things a little more seriously?

On the next episode of Chasing Life, Greer meets Sara and George at a Carver family dinner, where she regales them with stories of traveling abroad. The one person she doesn’t impress? Ford, who takes every opportunity she can to knock Greer down a peg. While Brenna can still find herself caught in the same mindset, that anyone who isn’t like her is “wrong” and deserves to be mocked, she’s grown out of that quite a bit while spending time with Greer, so she doesn’t particularly share Ford’s opinion about travel. Ford’s nastiness toward Greer might stem from a deep-seeded insecurity and fear of rejection, possibly as a result of an early-childhood trauma that lingers in her psyche, but she’s going to have to find a way to support her best friend if she wants to continue having one for the foreseeable future.

Elsewhere on Chasing Life, April has a full plate in her final pre-chemo days, as she’s forced to deal with drama from Leo, a breakdown from Beth, and her mother’s overprotectiveness going into overdrive.

Chasing Life airs Tuesdays at 9:00 on ABC Family.

Do you think that Brenna should confront Ford about her attitude toward Greer? Could Ford’s nastiness stem from an insecurity at “losing” her best friend to a different crowd? Will April be able to find some sense of comfort and normalcy in the final days before she undergoes chemo?

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