Low Winter Sun: Watch a 5-Minute Sneak Peek of the Series Premiere Here
by August 6, 2013 3:08 pm 594 views0

Detroit detectives Frank (Mark Strong) and Joe (Lennie James) know the ins, outs, ups, and downs of both the law itself and the department they try and serve. However, while Frank has done his best to become the type of officer that people think of as “one of the good ones,” always toeing the line and being as fair and personable as he can, Joe is wilder, more of a cop who does things his own way without any regard for what the book says. He also has a powerful way with words and the ability to talk people into doing things that they otherwise wouldn’t have considered. Case in point: his case to Frank about how they should kill one of their colleagues.
Based on the British miniseries of the same name, Low Winter Sun finds the two detectives taking a corrupt co-worker, who Joe knows murdered someone, and drowning him in the back of a restaurant. It should be the perfect crime – they know their department’s strengths and weaknesses, in addition to how they investigate crimes of this nature and what the best way to cover their tracks would be. It might even be the perfect crime if Frank can keep the guilt of what happened under wraps, especially since he had to be inebriated and receive a last second reminder of why his colleague deserved to die in the eyes of Joe. Frank has built a career on being the prototypical “good cop”, so will he be able to stop himself from incriminating himself and Joe for what they did? Is there a chance that the two get away with this after all?
In addition to Strong and James, Low Winter Sun stars Ruben Santiago-Hudson (American Gangster), Athena Karkanis (Saw IV), David Costabile (Lincoln), James Ransone (Inside Man), Erika Alexander (Living Single), and Sprague Grayden (Paranormal Activity 2).
The series premiere of Low Winter Sun is set to air Sunday, August 11th at 10:00 on AMC. You can check out a trailer for the series here, as well as a behind the scenes featurette here.
Will you be watching Low Winter Sun? Based strictly on the sneak peek, do Frank and Joe have reason enough to kill their colleague? How long will it be before the guilt of what he did starts to hit Frank?