Suburgatory Season 2 Finale Sneak Peek: Keep the Change
by April 17, 2013 10:19 am 797 views0

One of my favorite developments this season on Suburgatory has been the friendship/kinship between Dalia and George. While it took a turn for the strange last week, the influence of Daddy Altman has been good for Dalia, causing her to open up, focus more in school, and move on from the emotional trauma she suffered when her parents got divorced. It humanized what was once the more thinly drawn (yet consistently hilarious) characters on the show and deepened the relationship between George and Dallas without the latter having to appear on screen. But now that she’s targeting Tessa for what happened with Jenna, is Dalia’s connection with George about to be severed?
On the next episode of Suburgatory, George has shown up to school to pick Dalia up, something that he never does. It turns out that he and Dallas decided to switch things up regarding how they’d tell the girls about the impending move. While Dallas is off trying to talk to Tessa, George looks to rekindle the special bond that he had with Dalia in order to make the combining of households as painless as possible. To George, Dalia is very matter-of-fact about what’s transpiring and expresses hope that if she and Tessa were to live together, she’d have more time/ability to help her out during tough times, like the recent breakup with Ryan. But the closer that Dalia gets to Tessa, the more likely that something major will happen between them, something that could rip Dallas and George apart for good.
Elsewhere on Suburgatory, Noah becomes obsessed with Carmen even though she’s still seeing Bob, while Sheila launches a chastity campaign in Chatswin and Dallas receives a surprise visitor that could change everything.
The one-hour season finale of Suburgatory airs tonight at 8:00 on ABC.
What have you thought about this season of Suburgatory? Would you like to see George and Dallas work things out and smoothly move in together? What type of hell does Dalia have planned for Tessa?