The Client List 2.03 Preview: Riley Hires a Male Masseuse
by March 24, 2013 10:46 am 587 views0

This season on The Client List, Riley Parks is discovering that, try as she might, she can’t do everything herself. Her intentions in wanting to parent her children, manage the Rub, help Kyle get a better lawyer, and be fully invested in a relationship with Evan are noble; Riley’s a good person and wants to do what she can to help other people be happy. But she’s not Superwoman and the longer that she neglects herself, the harder it’ll be to continue at the pace she’s on. It’s okay to ask for help and it’s okay for her to take a breath every now and then, given how much she’s responsible for nowadays. Will Riley ever learn to embrace the idea of doling out tasks and leaning on another person?
On tonight’s episode of The Client List, Riley has hired a male masseuse to reach a different clientele and relieve some of the pressure from herself, Selena, and Nikki. There’s additional motivation for stocking up the Rub since Linette is still recovering from her car accident; currently, she’s living at home with Riley and out of action at the salon, meaning that Riley is now providing for three dependents rather than just the two. More masseurs leads to more clients and more clients leads to more money for the Rub, which can only help Riley’s financial difficulties. But considering everything that’s gone on recently, can she handle a setback like this? Or has Riley’s skin grown thicker ever since taking control of her family and facing her problems head-on?
Elsewhere on The Client List, a veteran client needs more than Riley can handle, while Evan takes on a dangerous job to help Riley pay the bills and Kyle’s mistakes continue to haunt the Parks household.
The Client List airs tonight at 10:00 on Lifetime.
Do you already miss Kendra, Dee Ann, and Jolene? How will Riley handle having to take care of Linette, in addition to providing for her children and working at the Rub? Will Evan’s desire to help by any means necessary ultimately lead to him paying a heavy price?