Category: Revenge

Revenge / by Carissa Pavlica -

Revenge Review: Lineage

Honestly, I’m not down with flashback episodes. The have to be done very well to get my attention, and I think in recent years they’ve been overdone on television. That…

Revenge / by Carissa Pavlica -

Revenge Review: Penance

Revenge can sure pack a lot into one episode, can’t it? My only complaint were the ridiculous Neimen Marcus/Target commercials that attempted to insert themselves into the storyline. They were…

Revenge / by Carissa Pavlica -

Revenge Review: Illusion

It’s not quite gelled with me why in the hell Victoria and Conrad would want to remarry, even given their “peculiar” circumstances. Even the worst court of law could see…

Revenge / by Carissa Pavlica -


Amanda Clarke lost her father to the manipulations of the Grayson family, and after spending years in social services as well as in juvenile detention, she transformed herself into Emily Thorne, and…