Red Band Society Series Premiere Sneak Peeks: We Band of Brothers

by Shilo Adams 728 views0

red band society

red band societyThough your teenage years are said to be the best of your life, a time when you get to explore who you are without having any of the responsibilities of adulthood, they’re more often defined by fraught emotions, identity crises, peer pressure, and the struggle to find your identity while conforming enough to the norm so as to avoid being ridiculed. Being a teenager is inherently tough and any outside circumstances can only make things more difficult.

On the series premiere of Red Band Society, a group of teenagers live together in a hospital pediatric wing and try to find some sense of normalcy. Their setting might be different than the average person their age, but the kids living in Ocean Park Hospital all experience much of what they would had they not gotten sick – they find love, they try to figure out who they are, they question everything from mortality to their futures should they come out on top against their respective ailments. While there are pivotal events they’re missing out on by being where they are, the hospital environment might not be the obstacle to social growth and self-actualization that it might seem to be at first glance.

The series premiere of Red Band Society is set to premiere Wednesday, September 17th at 9:00 on FOX.

Will you be watching Red Band Society? Do you think the show will be able to balance its emotional heft with its comedic aspirations? How would you like to see the show treat death, especially when it comes to killing off their teenage cast?

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