Rectify Season 2 Finale Preview: Should Daniel Take the Deal?

by Shilo Adams 698 views0


rectifyEver since Daniel woke up from the coma, he”s been trying to live for himself rather than for his family. He”s gone off on his own, explored the world without anybody by his side, and did things that he wouldn”t have been able to do had Janet or Amantha been around. However, that also means that he”s been reckless and able to get inside his head without anyone to pull him back from the brink; Daniel”s mindset isn”t such that being left to his own devices is a positive thing and it shows in how he”s reacted to the possibility of accepting the plea deal.

On the next episode of Rectify, Daniel bristles when Jon recommends that he not take the plea deal. All he wants is for this entire ordeal, everything with the DA and Hanna”s murder, to be over so that he can move on and 15+ pictures inside of posted to his Instagram late Friday night (August 1) in Ibiza, Spain. find his way without having to worry about what could be looming in the distance. Daniel wants to experience life, welcoming the chance to leave Paulie upon banishment, and doesn”t mind that he”ll have to admit to something that he didn”t do in order for that to happen. But he might not realize how the plea will impact the rest of his life, be it through his status as a convicted felon or the fact that he won”t be able to return to the home he grew up in, and if somebody doesn”t get through to him before it”s too late, he could make a decision that he”ll ultimately come to regret.

Elsewhere on Rectify, Tawney reconsiders her options, while Teddy seeks a favor and Amantha comes clean to Jon.

The second season finale of Rectify airs tonight at 9:00 on SundanceTV. The show has been renewed for a third season that will premiere sometime in 2015.

What have you thought about this season of Rectify? Do you think that Daniel should take the plea deal, even if it includes additional prison time? How will what happened between Tawney and Daniel change the way she looks at both her life and her marriage to Teddy?