Betrayal 1.02 Preview: Sara Recommits Herself to Her Husband
by October 2, 2013 2:48 pm 567 views0

In a moment of weakness, Sara let herself be swept up in her loneliness and chemistry with Jack and experience the type of spark that has been absent from her marriage for so long. Even though she had never really thought about stepping out on Drew, his continued march toward political office got inside her head, be it due to the pressures associated with being a political wife or the fact that she would be seeing him even less, to the point where she had to be with Jack and feel the closeness that she had been longing for. However, the idea that she could be with Jack with no strings attached was proven to be very wrong when she found out that her husband would be facing off with her lover in the murder trial of T.J. Karsten.
On the next episode of Betrayal, Sara has taken the steps necessary to recommit herself to her husband, if not for the sake of her marriage then for the state of her conscience, which was wracked with guilty after her encounters with Jack. She thinks that by dedicating herself to furthering Drew’s political aspirations and becoming the type of wife that she thinks he needs (and thinks that she should be), she will somehow absolve herself of the feelings she’s been carrying around since her fling began. By becoming closer with Drew after a while of being apart and feeling as if they’re growing in separate directions, Sara believes that she’ll make her infatuation with Jack dissipate and her life return to normal, but what if Jack doesn’t want things to end just yet?
Elsewhere on Betrayal, Jack comes face to face with Drew as the murder case begins unfolding.
Betrayal airs Sundays at 10:00 on ABC. You can check out spoilers for the next two episodes here.
What did you think of the first episode of Betrayal? How long will it take Sara to go back to Jack, even if it’ll be potentially dangerous for herself and Drew’s media reputation? If T.J. didn’t kill Lou, then who did?