Sons of Anarchy Season 6 to Premiere Tuesday, September 10th
by July 24, 2013 5:04 pm 676 views0

FX has announced that the sixth season of Sons of Anarchy will be premiering Tuesday, September 10th with a 90-minute premiere. The series, the highest rated in the history of FX, reached ratings highs in its fifth season, averaging 6.4 million viewers.
Extended premieres have become something of a norm for FX recently, with The Americans and The Bridge enjoying supersized premieres this year. Sons is an unusual case, though, as it has had both extended premieres and lengthier episodes in the middle of the season. There’s no word on whether any other season six episodes will be longer than an hour; however, it’s a good bet that there’ll be at least one non-final extended episode, likely close to the end of the season.
Season five of Sons of Anarchy left off with Jax getting what he wanted – Clay is no longer SAMCRO president due to being framed for Pope’s murder, meaning that Jax can spread the message of John Teller from the highest seat in the club. However, while trying to halt years of self-destructive traditions that SAMCRO has continually indulged in, he has to deal with the possibility of Tara going to prison for conspiracy to commit murder. Will he be able to keep her out of prison or, at the very least, keep himself together while she’s inside?
Three former FX programs had their premiere dates announced in recent days, as It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The League, and Totally Biased with W. Kamau Bell will premiere Wednesday, September 4th on newly formed FXX. The only show that Sons will air along with this fall is American Horror Story: Coven, which will likely premiere in early October.
Will you be watching Sons of Anarchy next season? Do you think that Jax can keep his personal life from spiraling out of control while he tries to spread John’s message? How would he handle losing Tara to prison?