In the Flesh 2.02 Sneak Peek: The MP Imposes an Undead Travel Ban
by May 17, 2014 12:31 pm 606 views0

All Kieren wants to do is live a normal, socially acceptable life away from the pressures of his hometown. He’s in too much danger sticking in Roarton, a town that houses a cavalcade of bad memories that he desperately wants to escape, and for the sake of his physical and mental well-being, he’s got to find a way to escape, to make it to Paris and get the fresh start he needs. But the chances of Kieren being able to quietly slip away from Roarton are growing smaller by the day, with tensions between the ULA and Victus rising and elected officials in the area decisively being in favor of the pro-living camp.
On tonight’s episode of In the Flesh, MP Maxine institutes an undead travel ban, as well as stringent measures for PDS sufferers to pay back their debt to society. It’s a move that will do wonders for her in the poll numbers, buying the confidence of the pro-living citizens of her jurisdiction, and a move that will keep Kieren in Roarton for the foreseeable future. The best case scenario seems to be a mass culling of PDS sufferers that causes things in town to quieten down, thus allowing Kieren the opportunity to leave unimpeded; however, the most likely scenario is that tensions in Roarton eventually bubble over due to the new restrictions (as well as Maxine’s own distaste for the undead) and the ULA successfully launches a second rising, thus putting Kieren and everyone he loves in danger.
Elsewhere on In the Flesh, Jem is the target of a prank gone awry at school, while Kieren attends an undead rave where everyone has consumed brains.
In the Flesh airs tonight at 10:00 on BBC America.
Do you think Kieren will ever get out of Roarton? How will the prank impact Jem’s already fragile mental state? Will Maxine’s move against the undead provoke the ULA to strike back?