Orphan Black Trailer: I Saw a Girl Kill Herself

by Shilo Adams 996 views0

orphan black

orphan blackWhat if you had to witness your own suicide?

Orphan Black‘s Sarah (Tatiana Maslany) did just that when a woman named Beth who looks just like her killed herself; the outsider decides to assume the woman’s identity, but she didn’t just gain a handsome boyfriend and decent bank account. Sarah has been thrust into the middle of a mystery she didn’t even know existed – she and the dead woman are clones, but are they the only ones? Where are the others? How many others are there?

Sarah now has the opportunity to find out who she is and uncover the conspiracy around the cloning. However, there are people who don’t want her to be clued in on what’s been going on, so for as much as she wants to barrel through town demanding answers, she’ll have to slink through the night avoiding detection. Fortunately for her, she has people to turn to in order to help her find answers and figure out her true identity; are all of them necessarily trustworthy, though? And for the matter, is Sarah sure that she’s not being monitored by whoever created her? If she is, it might not matter who she has in her corner or how stealth an investigation she runs into the cloning; it’ll be only a matter of time before she’s caught and disposed of.

In addition to Maslany, Orphan Black stars Jordan Gavaris as Felix, Sarah’s stepbrother and confidante; Dylan Bruce as Paul,  Beth’s complicated boyfriend; Maria Doyle Kennedy as Ms. S, Sarah’s working class foster mother; Michael Mando as Vic, Sarah’s volatile ex; Kevin Hanchard as Art, a veteran detective working alongside Beth who grows suspicious of her; and Skyler Wexler as Sarah’s young daughter.

Orphan Black premieres Saturday, March 30th at 9:00 on BBC America following the season premiere of Doctor Who and leading into the season premiere of The Nerdist.

Will you watch Orphan Black this season? Did the trailer make you more apt to give the show a try? How many clones are there in the world and will Sarah be able to find out why they’re out there?